
Peer-reviewed articles (Link to my Google Scholar) * Corresponding author Underline: Students advised
[40] Lee, Y. H., & Kim, S.-S.* (2024). Characteristics of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Radargrams with Variable Antenna Orientation. Economic and Environmental Geology, 57(1), 17–23.
[39] Ha, Y., & Kim, S.-S.* (2023). Classification of large ornithopod dinosaur footprints using Xception transfer learning. PLoS ONE, 18(11), e0293020.
[38] Kang, H., Kim, Y., Hung, S., Lin, P. P., Isse, T., Kawakatsu, H., et al. (2023). Seismic Velocity Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath the Oldest Pacific Seafloor: Insights From Finite‐Frequency Tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24(9), e2022GC010833.
[37] Choi, H., Kim, S.-S., Park, S.-H., & Lee, S.-M. (2023). Spreading rate, opening time, and kinematic history of the Ayu Trough. Geosciences Journal, 27(5), 553–561.
[36] Choi, H., Kim, S.-S., & Park, S.-H. (2023). Comparative analysis of shipboard three-component magnetometer (STCM) and proton precession magnetometer (PPM) datasets in the Australian-Antarctic Ridge. Data in Brief, 49, 109351.
[35] Gevorgian, J., Sandwell, D. T., Yu, Y., Kim, S.-S., & Wessel, P. (2023). Global Distribution and Morphology of Small Seamounts. Earth and Space Science, 10, e2022EA002331.
[34] Kwon, M., & Kim, S.-S.* (2022). Automated analyses of ground-penetrating radar images to determine spatial distribution of buried cultural heritage. Korea Economic and Environmental Geology, v.55, p.551-561. [in Korean with English abstract]
[33] Choi, S. H., Lee, J.-H., Kim, S.-S., Yu, J., & Puchtel, I. S. (2022). Meteoritic component in impact breccias of the Jeokjung-Chogye structure, South Korea: Evidence from the HSE abundances and Re Os isotopic systematics. Chemical Geology, 613, 121145.
[32] Wessel, P., Watts, A. B., Kim, S.-S., & Sandwell, D. T. (2022). Models for the evolution of seamounts. Geophysical Journal International, 231(3), 1898–1916.
[31] Jeon, Y., Lee, S.-J., Kim, S., & Kim, S.-S. (2022). Estimation of shallow S-wave structures from the quasi-transfer spectrum and Bayesian inversion using microarray data at a deep drilling site at Chungnam National University, Korea. Geosciences Journal, 26(3), 367–383.
[30] Sandwell, D. T., Goff, J. A., Gevorgian, J., Harper, H., Kim, S.-S., Yu, Y., et al. (2022). Improved bathymetric prediction using geological information: SYNBATH. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002069.
[29] Choi, H., Kim, S.-S.*, & Park, S.-H. (2021). Magnetic Constraints on Off-axis Seamount Volcanism in the Easternmost Segment of the Australian–Antarctic Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009576.
[28] Choi, H., Kim, S.-S.*, & Park, S.-H. (2021). Tectonic constraints on formation and evolution of microplates in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: reviews and statistical inferences. Geosciences Journal, 25, 799–811.
[27] Lee, B. W., & Kim, S.-S.* (2021). Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Reconstructing 3D Images of Fault Trench Sites and Web-based Visualization Platform for Large Point Clouds. Economic and Environmental Geology, 54(2), 177–186. [in Korean with English abstract]
[26] Choi, H., Kim, S.-S., Park, S.-H., & Kim, H. J. (2021). Geomorphological and Spatial Characteristics of Underwater Volcanoes in the Easternmost Australian-Antarctic Ridge. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 997.
[25] Choi, H.-O., Choi, S. H., & Kim, S.-S. (2021). Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope geochemistry for Permian–Early Triassic arc-related magmatism in Pohang, Jangsari, and Yeongdeok, southeastern Korean Peninsula. Lithos, 382–383, 105930.
[24] Hwang, G., Kim, S.-S., Son, S. K., Kim, J., & Ko, Y. (2020). Morphological Characteristics of Ocean Core Complexes (OCC) in Central Indian Ridge Using High-Resolution Bathymetry and Backscatter Intensity Data from a Deep-Towed Vehicle. Ocean and Polar Research, 42(1), 49–61. [in Korean with English abstract]
[23] Joo, J., Kim, S.-S., Choi, J. W., Pak, S.-J., Ko, Y., Son, S.-K., et al. (2020). Seabed Mapping Using Shipboard Multibeam Acoustic Data for Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Ferromanganese Crusts on Seamounts in the Western Pacific. Minerals, 10(2), 155.
[22] Morrow, T. A., Mittelstaedt, E., & Kim, S.-S. (2019). Are segmented fracture zones weak? Analytical and numerical models constrain anomalous bathymetry at the Clarion and Murray fracture zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 512, 214–226.
[21] Park, S.-H., Langmuir, C. H., Sims, K. W. W., Blichert-Toft, J., Kim, S.-S., Scott, S. R., et al. (2019). An isotopically distinct Zealandia–Antarctic mantle domain in the Southern Ocean. Nature Geoscience, 12(3), 206–214.
[20] Um, E. S., Kim, J., Wilt, M. J., Commer, M., & Kim, S.-S.* (2019). Finite-element analysis of top-casing electric source method for imaging hydraulically active fracture zones. GEOPHYSICS, 84(1), E23–E35.
[19] Ha, G., & Kim, S.-S.* (2018). Case studies for modeling magnetic anomalies with COMSOL Multiphysics. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, 54(6), 677–682. [in Korean with English abstract]
[18] Kim, G.-B., Yoon, S.-H., Kim, S.-S., & So, B.-D. (2018). Transition from buckling to subduction on strike-slip continental margins: Evidence from the East Sea (Japan Sea). Geology, 46(7), 603–606.
[17] Kim, H.-G., Baek, S.-H., Kim, S.-S.*, Lee, N. Y., & Kwon, J.-S. (2017). Imaging Inner Structure of Bukbawi at Mt. Palgong Provincial Park Using Ground Penetrating Radar. Economic and Environmental Geology, 50(6), 487–495. [in Korean with English abstract]
[16] Choi, H., Kim, S.-S.*, Dyment, J., Granot, R., Park, S.-H., & Hong, J. K. (2017). The kinematic evolution of the Macquarie Plate: A case study for the fragmentation of oceanic lithosphere. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 132–142.
[15] Baek, S.-H., Kim, S.-S.*, Kwon, J.-S., & Um, E. S. (2017). Ground penetrating radar for fracture mapping in underground hazardous waste disposal sites: A case study from an underground research tunnel, South Korea. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 141, 24–33.
[14] Um, E. S., Kim, S.-S., & Fu, H. (2017). A tetrahedral mesh generation approach for 3D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modeling. Computers & Geosciences, 100, 1–9.
[13] Hwang, G., & Kim, S.-S.* (2016). Flexure and gravity anomalies of the oceanic lithosphere beneath the Louisville seamount. Tectonophysics, 686, 19–26.
[12] Joo, Jongmin, Kim, Jonguk, Ko, Youngtak, Kim, Seung-Sep, Son, Juwon, Pak, Sang Joon, et al. (2016). Characterizing Geomorphological Properties of Western Pacific Seamounts for Cobalt-rich Ferromanganese Crust Resource Assessment. Economic and Environmental Geology, 49(2), 121–134. [in Korean with English abstract]
[11] Kim, S.-S.*, & Wessel, P. (2016). New analytic solutions for modeling vertical gravity gradient anomalies: VGG ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17(5), 1915–1924.
[10] Kim, S.-S.* (2015). Seamount. In H. Hargitai & A. Kereszturi (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms (pp. 1–6). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag New York. [Book Chapter]
[9] Kim, Y., Lee, C., & Kim, S.-S.* (2015). Tectonics and volcanism in East Asia: Insights from geophysical observations. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 842–856.
[8] Choi, J.-R., Kim, S.-S.*, Park, S.-K., Shin, K.-S., & Kang, B.-C. (2013). A Case Study of Electrical Resistivity and Borehole Imaging Methods for Detecting Underground Cavities and Monitoring Ground Subsidence at Abandoned Underground Mines. Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society, 34(3), 195–208. [in Korean with English abstract]
[7] Chandler, M. T., Wessel, P., Taylor, B., Seton, M., Kim, S.-S., & Hyeong, K. (2012). Reconstructing Ontong Java Nui: Implications for Pacific absolute plate motion, hotspot drift and true polar wander. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 331–332, 140–151.
[6] Kim, S.-S.*, & Wessel, P. (2011). New global seamount census from altimetry-derived gravity data: New global seamount census. Geophysical Journal International, 186(2), 615–631.
[5] Kim, S.-S.*, & Wessel, P. (2010). Flexure modelling at seamounts with dense cores: Flexure modelling with dense core loads. Geophysical Journal International, 182(2), 583–598.
[4]  Wessel, P., Sandwell, D., & Kim, S.-S. (2010). The Global Seamount Census. Oceanography, 23(01), 24–33.
[3] Wessel, P., Anderson, T., Austin, R., Benediktsdottir, A., Chandler, M. T., Conley, M. M., Kim, S.-S., et al. (2009). Seminar 2.0: Learning With Skype and Video Podcasts. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 90(17), 145–147.
[2] Kim, S.-S.*, & Wessel, P. (2008). Directional median filtering for regional-residual separation of bathymetry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(3), Q03005.
[1] Lee, S.-M., & Kim, S.-S. (2004). Vector magnetic analysis within the southern Ayu Trough, equatorial western Pacific. Geophysical Journal International, 156(2), 213–221.