Research Interests

My major research interests include various problems in the fields of Marine and Environmental (Near-Surface) Geophysics.
In Marine Geophysics, I focus on the development and application of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic underway geophysics to study the oceanic lithosphere of the Earth, to advance the fundamental science of geophysical methods (data acquisition, inversion, interpretation), and to address important questions about underwater volcanism and tectonic processes.
In Environmental Geophysics, I focus on the development and application of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity (OhmMapper) methods to study the near-surface region of the Earth, to advance the fundamental geophysics of subsurface imaging (data acquisition, inversion, interpretation), and to address important questions about subsurface properties and processes.
For undergraduate internship, graduate (MS, PhD), and postdoctoral opportunities, please e-mail Seung-Sep Kim for more information. 학부 연구생, 대학원 및 박사후과정에 관심이 있는 사람은 김승섭 교수에게 이메일로 문의하기 바랍니다.